Ballin Family

The == designates a marriage; [ … ] shows a gap in the data; >> means ‘child of’. We start with Treves:

Matityahu (III) Ashkenazi Treves, [Chief Rabbi of France] (ca. 1325 – 1385) == Marianne Spira (Shapira Manecier) >> Daughter of Treves == Raphael Ballin [ … ] Moses Ballin >> Eliser Ballin >> Moshé / Moses Ballin (ca. 1480 – 1562) >> Elias Moses Ballin (ca. 1515 – 1587) == Sara Jutlin Turkheim >> Eliezer Sussman Ballin ( ? – 1587) >> Samuel Abraham (zu Kante) Sussman Ballin (ca.1545 – ca. 1622) == Roeslin bat Todros (? – 1609) >> Fromet / Frumet Ballin (ca. 1570 – 1649) == Loewb / Loeb Moses (zum Schwert) Oppenheim (ca. 1570 – 1655) ==  >> Simon Wolf Oppenheim (ca. 1600 – 1664) >> Edel Bacharach (ca.? 1605 – 1668) >> Abraham Oppenheim (1633 – 1693) >> Blume Wohl (ca. 1637 – 1683) >> Rabbi David Oppenheim (1664 – 1736) == Gnendel Behrens-Cohen (ca. 1670 – 1712) >> Sara Oppenheim [er] (ca. 1695 – 1713) == Chaim Jonah Frankel-Teomim >> Magdelene Genendel Frankel-Teomim (1713 – 1778) == Simon Isaac Bondi (1711 – 1773) >> Jonas Bondi (1732 – 1765) == Bella / Belle Schifra >> Clara / Caroline Bondi (1760 -1829) == Koppel Loeb of Bamberg >> Moises Loeb / Moritz Reis (1782 – 1855) == Émilie Bickartt (1784 – ? ) >> Jonas Reis (1809 – 1877) == Marian Samuel (1825 – 1900) >> REIS FAMILY

Elias Moses Ballin (ca. 1515 – 1587) == Sara Jutlin Turkheim >> Kinnel Ballin == Isaac Bacharach, zum Lindwurm (ca. 1540 – 1635) >> Rabbi Abraham Samuel Bacharach (ca. 1559 – 1615).

The fourth chart below also shows how the Franklin, who later married into the Samuel family, is descended from the Bacharach family. For example Herbert Louis Samuel married Beatrice Franklin.

Moses Ballin also known as: “Moshé Ballin” Birthdate: circa. 1480 Birthplace: Worms, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Death: March 09, 1562, at Worms. Place of Burial: Worms. Immediate Family: Son of Elieser Ballin and father of Elias Moses Ballin, all of whom were the direct ancestors of Moritz Reis. Elias Moses Ballin had a daughter Kinnel who married Isaac Bacharach, zum Lindwurm.

The writing on his gravestone is show below:

The old man, the honored one [Moshe, son of Eliezer] Ballin, the memory of the righteous for a blessing
‎Moshe ascended to the high place, his name is known
‎in the gates, he rose early in the morning and in the evening
‎‏to prayer and psalms: Blessed is he
‎‏who said: “and everything … speaks
‎‏in melody”; … … the sons of …
‎‏water, they were available, more than this:
‎‏many years; he was faithful
‎‏among the men of the faithful; it is
‎‏אy Lord, my father (and) my teacher, crown of our head, the old man Moses,
‎son of the Lord Eliezer, who died in a good name,
‎(in the) night 5, 22. Adar, year
‎‏322 in the sixth millennium. May his soul be bound in the bundle of life. Amen, Sela.

Sussman Eliseser ben Elia Ballin, birthdate: estimated about 1530. Death: January 06, 1603 Worms, Darmstadt, Germany. Immediate family: Son of Elieser Sussman Ballin, Brother of Samuel Abraham Sussman Ballin and Moshe Ballin. He is NOT a direct ancestor but rather Moritz Reis’ Nth great uncle.

Sussman, son of our teacher, the master El(ia Blin)
‎‏This is the sign (Sussman) of Eliezer (my God is help), he has given help (Nathan)
‎‏to the poor, he sings for God (he was an upright man of God/Israel)
‎‏in sweet melodies, he had insight (a son) into the law
‎‏of the wise at all times,
‎‏he hurried early in the morning and in the evening
‎‏with all his might, he was a skilled scribe for Jah (Elijah
‎‏was a skilled scribe), his hands were reliable,
‎‏he was not concerned with hoarding for himself and iniquity
‏ … (he was not), he died in a good name
and was buried (on the day 2, 23.) …
‎‏ 363 … … … … … Let
‎‏‎his soul … … … … …

Above, Röslen Ballin (daughter of Todros) Death: 1609. Worms, Darmstadt. Place of Burial: Worms. Immediate Family: Daughter of Todros; wife of Samuel Abraham Sussman Ballin; mother of Frumet (Ballin) Oppenheim. All of whom were the direct ancestors of the Reis Family. The gravestone reads:

Röslen, wife of Awraham Ballin
‎‏Here is sheltered and buried,
‎‏It’s over with me, it’s over with me! The lady,
‎it is the rose of Awraham, the dear one,
she prepared a feast for the poor of the people,
‎‏she gave (the) key to her youth in her …?,
‎‏with the menorah she prepared her death …(?),
‎‏may she be preserved in the light of eternity,
‎‏her soul is pure, she went out in purity,
‎‏and may she rest on the day (of) …? rest,
‎‏she lived her life (?) with tears in renunciation and distress,
her spirit escaped and returned to (its) source. Woe to the irretrievable loss!
‎‏She was at the mercy of her broken spirit,
tears flowed in (her) entire circle of friends
‎for her(?), 25th Marcheshvan, buried in bitterness(?),
and it rose on the horn of Shabbat after the creation of the world

The date is almost completely weathered, only day and month can still be read : Marcheschvan = on a day in November, probably in the period between 1580 and 1610. Röslen’s husband Awraham Ballin died in year 1622. More details can be found on the Epitaph Database.

Isaac Bacharach, zum Lindwurm, also known as: “Itsek Luts zum Lindwurm”, “Jizchak Bacharach” Birthdate: circa 1540, Death: July 23, 1635 at Frankfurt am Main. Place of Burial: Battonnstraße Jewish cemetery, Frankfurt am Main. Isaac Bacharach, zum Lindwurm’s wife was Kinnel Ballin the daughter of Elias Moses Ballin. He was the brother Samuel Mendel Lauchheim-Bacharach and the son of Mendlen Isaac and Edel (Weissenberg) Bacharach. Isaac Bacharach was the Nth great uncle of Moritz Reis. 

Rabbi Abraham Samuel Bacharach Birthdate about 1559 Birthplace: Drachen, Germany Death: May 26, 1615, Gernsheim, Darmstadt, Hesse. Place of Burial: Alsbach, Rhineland-Palatinate. Immediate Family: Son of Isaac Bacharach, zu Lauchheim (above) and his wife Kinnel Ballin. He was therefore an Nth cousin of Moritz Reis. He married Chava Eva Katz who was the daughter of Rabbi Yitzhak haKohen Katz. Abraham Samuel and Chave Eva had a son – Rabbi Yair Chayim Bachrach, ״Chavat Yair”.

Leizer Sussman Ballin Birthdate nor known. Death: November 10, 1602 at Worms, Darmstadt, RP, Germany. He was the son of Elias Moses Ballin and Jutlin (Turkheim) Ballin. The Gravestone reads:

Sussman, son of our teacher, the master El(ia Blin)
This is the sign (Sussman) of Eliezer (my God is help), he has given help (Nathan)
‎‏to the poor, he sings for God (he was an upright man of God/Israel)
in sweet melodies, he had insight (a son) into the law of the wise at all times,
‎‏he hurried early in the morning and in the evening
‎‏‎ with all his strength, he was a skilled scribe for Jah (Elijah was a skilled scribe), his hands were sure,
‎‏ he was not concerned with hoarding for himself and iniquity (he was not), he died in a good name
‎‏‎ and was buried (on day 2, 23.) …
‎‏ 363 … … … … … Let it be
‎‏נפשו … … … ..צר׳[?]‏‎ his soul … … … … ..