Not much is known of the early history of this family and as far as the Reis family of today is concerned, only a few early Spanier members are relevant.
The diagram below indicates how Moses Spanier is an ancestor of the Reis (and other families). The == is a marriage and the >> is a product of that marriage. N.N. means we do not know the name of that person. Most of the information that appears here comes from other sources, especially GENI.
Moses Spanier == N.N. >> Nathan Moses Spanier (ca. 1575 – 1646) == Zipporah .N. >> Freude Spanier (1600 – 1681) == Joseph Goldschmidt-Hameln (1597 – 1677) >> Jenté Sara Miriam Goldschmidt-Hameln (ca. 1633 – 1695) == Leffmann (Liepmann) Behrens-Cohen (1630 – 1714) >> Gnendel Behrens-Cohen (ca. 1658 – 1712) == Rabbi David Oppenheim (1664 – 1736) >> Sara Oppenheim[er] (ca. 1695 – 1713) == Chaim Jonah Frankel-Teomim >> Magdelene Genendel Frankel-Teomim (1713 – 1778) == Simon Isaac Bondi (1711 – 1773) >> Jonas Bondi (1732 – 1765) == Bella / Belle Schifra >> Clara / Caroline Bondi (1760-1829) == Koppel Loeb of Bamberg Moises Loeb (1782 – 1855) >>(1760-1829) == Koppel Loeb of Bamberg Moises Loeb >> Moritz Reis (1782 – 1855) == Émilie Bickartt (1784 ) >> Jonas Reis (1809 – 1877) == Marian Samuel (1825 – 1900) >> REIS FAMILY.
Nathan Moses Spanier was born circa 1575 at Stadthagen, Lower Saxony. He died on November 12, 1646, at Altona, now Hamburg. Place of Burial: Königstraße Jewish cemetery, Hamburg-Altona (gravestone no. hha,335). Immediate Family: Son of Moses Spanier and N.N. He was the husband of Zipora Spanier and the father of Freude (Spanier) (gravestone below); all of whom are the direct ancestors Moritz Reis. Nathan Spanier was “head of the province of Schaumburg” and is said to be the one who obtained the right to settle in Altona. He was resident in Stadt Hagen, the then count’s residence of Holstein-Schaumburg. His gravestone reads:” Here is the dear one, Natan, | son of Moshe Spanier, head and leader of the rural Jewry of | Schaumburg, his deeds were only | pure … his world [….] May his soul be bound in the bundle of life”. The gravestone is depicted, burned in several places
Freude (Spanier) Goldschmidt-Hameln was born circa 1600 at Stadt Hagen, Lower Saxony. The daughter of the above Nathan Moses and Zipora Spanier. She married Joseph Goldschmidt-Hameln. Her dowry was 2,000 Taler. Freude died on September 25, 1681, at Hannover and was buried there. She was the sister of Isaac Spanier and Abraham Jehuda Loeb Spanier (below).
Isaac Spanier Birthdate: estimated 1600 at Altona, Hamburg. Death: September 14, 1661, at Altona, Immediate Family: Son of Nathan Moses Spanier 1661 and Zipora Spanier (above) and brother of Freude (Spanier) Goldschmidt-Hameln (above). Isaac was not a direct ancestor of Moritz Reis but rather he was his 11th great uncle. His sister Freude was the 10th great grandmother of Moritz Reis.
Esther (Spanier) Hildesheim, Birthdate: 1614 at Copenhagen, Denmark, Death: February 28, 1683, at Altona. Immediate Family: Daughter of Nathan Moses and Zipora Spanier (above). She was the sister of the above Isaac Spanier and Freude (Spanier) Goldschmidt-Hameln, and the wife of Jehuda Loeb ben Moshe Halperin Hildesheim. She was the Nth great aunt of Moritz Reis.
Abraham Jehuda Loeb Spanier Birthdate circa 1600. Death February 05, 1681, at Altona and his place of burial: Altona. Immediate Family: Son of Nathan Moses and Zipora Spanier (above). Brother of Freude Goldschmidt and the above Isaac and Esther. He was not a direct ancestor of Moritz Reis but rather his Nth great uncle.