There are three branches of this family from which Moritz Reis and the Reis Family descend as follows:
DESCENT ONE via Dreizel Miriam Zeisel Luria
Rabbi Aharon ben Nethanel Luria, [the 1st Luria] ABD Heilbronn (ca. 1390 – 1478) == Miriam Speyer / Spira / Shapira Rabbanit Miriam >> Jehiel Luria / Yechiel Yehuda ben Aharon Luria (ca. 1400 – 1470) == Malka Lifshitz (? – 1480) >> Dreizel Miriam Zeisel Luria (ca. 1446 – 1559) == Eliezer Yehiel Lipmann Schrentzel ( – 1558) >> Dinah Malka Schrentzel ( ca. 1492 – 1552 == Rabbi Israel Joseph Yosef ben Chaim Isserles / Israel Isserlein ca. (ca. 1490 – 1568) >> Miriam Beila Isserles (ca. 1535 – 1617) == Pinchas Halevi Horowitz Parnas of the Four Lands == Miriam Isserles >> Hinde Horowitz (ca.1570 – ca.1617) = = Meir Wahl Katzenellenbogen >> Baila / Beila Katzenellenbogen == Jonah / Yonah I Frankel-Teomim (1596 – 1669) >> Ezekiel Joshua Feivel Teomim (ca. 1637 – ca. 1726) == Pearl Leib (1640 – 1710) >> Chaim Jonah Frankel-Teomim == Sarah Oppenheim >> Magdalene Genendel Frankel-Teomim (1713 – 1778) == Simon Isaac Bondi (1711 – 1773) >> Jonas Bondi (1732 – 1765) == Bella / Belle Schifra >> Clara / Caroline Bondi (1760-1829) == Koppel Loeb of Bamberg >> Moises Loeb / Moritz Reis (1782 – 1855) == Émilie Bickartt (1784 ) >> Jonas Reis (1809 – 1877) == Marian Samuel (1825 – 1900) >> REIS FAMILY
DESCENT TWO VIA Avraham ben Yechiel Luria II
Rabbi Aharon ben Nethanel Luria, [the 1st Luria] ABD Heilbronn (ca. 1390 – 1478) == Miriam Speyer / Spira / Shapira Rabbanit Miriam >> Jehiel Luria / Yechiel Yehuda ben Aharon Luria (ca. 1400 – 1470) == Malka Lifshitz (? – 1480) >> Avraham ben Yechiel Luria II (ca. 1465 – 1521) >> Rabbi Yechiel Luria, of Slutzk (1485 – 1525) == A Daughter of Yitzchak Klauber >> Rabbi Solomon Shlomo Luria MaHaRSHaL ( 1510 – 1573) ) == Lipka Haberkasten (ca. 1520 – 1572) >> Valentina Luria (1535 – 1595) == Rabbi Ephraim Fishel Ashkenazi (ca. 1530 – ca. 1595) >> Rabbi Naftali Zvi Hirsch, Nassi Eretz Hakodesh (ca. 1550 – 1626) == Tzvi Hirsch HaCohen >> Rabbi Ephraim Fischel (ca. 1570 – 1653) == Gittel Shrentzel (ca. 1610 – 1652) >> Yehudit (Jute) Jutta Leib Saba == Rabbi Arye-Leib Fishles Kalusziner (ca. 1620 -1671) >> Pearl Aryeh Leib Kloisner( ca. 1666 – 1722) == Ezekiel Joshua (Yechezkia Yehoshua) Feivel Frankel Teomim (ca. 1637 – ca. 1726) >> Chaim Yona Joseph Frankel Teomim (1684 – 1727) == Sara Oppenheim[er] (ca 1695 -1713) >> Magdelene (Genendel) Genendel Frankel Teomim ( 1713 – 1778) == Simon Isaak Bondi of Prague (ca. 1711 – 1773) >> Jonas Bondi (1732 – 1765) == Bella / Belle Schifra >> Clara / Caroline Bondi (1760-1829) == Koppel Loeb of Bamberg >> Moises Loeb / Moritz Reis (1782 – 1855) == Émilie Bickartt (1784 ) >> Jonas Reis (1809 – 1877) == Marian Samuel (1825 – 1900) >> REIS FAMILY
DESCENT THREE Julia-Malka Luria
Rabbi Aharon ben Nethanel Luria, [the 1st Luria] ABD Heilbronn (ca. 1390 – 1478) == Miriam Speyer / Spira / Shapira Rabbanit Miriam >> Jehiel Luria / Yechiel Yehuda ben Aharon Luria (ca. 1410 – ca. 1470) == Malka Lifshitz (? – 1480) >> Julia-Malka Luria == Isaac Katzenellenbogen Yitzhak ben Moshe [of Ellenbogen] >> Rabbi Meir ben Isaac Katzenellenbogen, Maharam of Padua (ca. 1495 – 1565) == Hanna Mintz >> Samuel Judah Katzenellenbogen Rabbi of Venice (1521 – 1597) == Abigail Ogla Jaffe (ca. 1525 – 1594) >> Shaul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (ca. 1541 – 1616) == Deborah Rivkah Luria Drucker (1545 – 1617) >> Meir Moshe Wahl Katzenellenbogen (ca. 1565 – ca. 1630) == Hinda Halevi Horowitz (ca. 1570 – ca. 1617) >> Beila Wahl Katzenellenbogen (ca. 1610 – ca. 1669) == Jonah I Frankel Teomim (1596 – 1669) >> Ezekiel Joshua Frankel Teomim (ca. 1637 – ca. 1726) == Pearl Aryeh Leib Kloisner (ca. 1666 – 1722) >> Chaim Yona Joseph Frankel Teomim (1684 – 1727) == Sara Oppenheimer (ca. 1695 – 1713) >> Magdelene (Genendel) Genendel Frankel Teomim ( 1713 – 1778) == Simon Isaak Bondi of Prague (ca. 1711 – 1773) >> Jonas Bondi (1732 – 1765) == Bella / Belle Schifra >> Clara / Caroline Bondi (1760-1829) == Koppel Loeb of Bamberg >> Moises Loeb / Moritz Reis (1782 – 1855) == Émilie Bickartt (1784 ) >> Jonas Reis (1809 – 1877) == Marian Samuel (1825 – 1900) >> REIS FAMILY
Schlomo Ashkenazi Luria == Dina Klauber >> David Luria Drucker Rapaport (ca. 1520 – ca. 1600) == Kendel? Isserles (ca. 1530 – 1617) >> Deborah Rivkah Luria Drucker (1545 – 1617) == Shaul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (ca. 1541 – 1616) >> Meir Moshe Wahl Katzenellenbogen (ca. 1565 – ca. 1630) == Hinda Halevi Horowitz (ca.1570 – ca.1617) >> Beila Wahl Katzenellenbogen (ca. 1610 – ca. 1669) == Jonah I Frankel Teomim (1596 – 1669) >> Ezekiel Joshua Frankel Teomim (ca. 1637 – ca. 1726) == Pearl Aryeh Leib Kloisner (ca. 1666 – 1722) >> Chaim Yona Joseph Frankel Teomim (1684 – 1727) == Sara Oppenheimer (ca. 1695 – 1713) >> Magdelene (Genendel) Genendel Frankel Teomim ( 1713 – 1778) == Simon Isaak Bondi of Prague (ca. 1711 – 1773) >> Jonas Bondi (1732 – 1765) == Bella / Belle Schifra >> Clara / Caroline Bondi (1760-1829) == Koppel Loeb of Bamberg Moises Loeb / Moritz Reis (1782 – 1855) == Émilie Bickartt (1784 ) >> Jonas Reis (1809 – 1877) == Marian Samuel (1825 – 1900) >> REIS FAMILY
The parents of Malka Lifshitz who married Jehiel Luria / Yechiel Yehuda ben Aharon Luria (ca. 1410 – ca. 1470) were Eliezer Yosinot LIfshitz and Dreisel Schrentzel.
Rabbi Solomon Shlomo Luria MaHaRSHaL רבי שלמה לוריא, המהרש ( 1510 – November 7, 1573) was one of the great Ashkenazic poskim (decider of Jewish law) and teacher of his time. He is known for his work of Halakha, Yam Shel Shlomo, and his Talmudic commentary Chochmat Shlomo. Luria is also referred to as “Maharshal” מהרש”ל (Hebrew abbreviation: Our Teacher, Rabbi Solomon Luria), or “Rashal” רש”ל. His daughter was Valentina who married Rabbi Ephraim Fishel Ashkenazi and who were the direct ancestors of Moritz Reis

Solomon b. Jehiel Luria
Rabbi and author; born in Brest-Litovsk, Lithuania, 1510; died at Lublin Nov. 7, 1573. When still a youth his parents sent him to Posen, where he studied under the guidance of his grandfather Rabbi Yitzchak Klauber. He left Posen in 1535, owing to an extensive fire which destroyed his grandfather’s property. On his return to his native place he assiduously continued his studies. Here he married Lipka, daughter of Rabbi Kalonymus. After some time he was elected rabbi of Brest, and established a yeshiva there. About 1550 he received the appointment of rabbi and head of the yeshiva at Ostrog, and in 1555 he moved to Lublin, where he became head of the famous yeshiva.
His Method of Study.
Concerning his method of study and teaching he says: “I was painstaking always to trace the last source of the Halakah, which I used to discuss with my friends and pupils, spending sometimes a week in research and close reasoning till I came upon the root of the matter; then I used to put it down in my book. And it was always my habit to quote all the opinions of my predecessors, according to their rank of authority, also the decisions and rulings of those who compiled the responsa, in order to avoid the suspicion of plagiarism or the reproach that I had overlooked the opinion of some great authority. In two years I did not reach in my studies further than half of the tractate Yebamot. I spent a whole year on two chapters of the tractate Ketubot; and the chapter ‘Miẓwat Ḥaliẓah’ Yebamot] took me half a year.” It is therefore not surprising that Luria was very independent, and was not afraid to say in public: “Do not take any notice of what people have been accustomed till now to consider as permitted; for most of them used to read only the ‘Ṭur. Oraḥ Ḥayyim’ by Rabbi Jacob ben Asher. He gave permission in the name of his father, Rabbi Asher; and in his introduction he even asserts that whenever he quotes the ruling of his father, it should be considered as decisive for practice. And, indeed, many people took it for granted that it is to be looked upon as the last and absolute decision, as though it were handed down to us as a tradition of Moses from Mount Sinai. The fact that he agrees with his father does not pledge us to agree with him; indeed, so it is in many ritual matters that the general usage is against him.” Nor does he spare even Joseph Caro, whom he accuses of having occasionally expressed merely superficial views in his effort to harmonize conflicting laws, as well as of having sometimes based his decisions on the reading of corrupt texts.
With even more asperity he speaks of Benjamin Zeeb and his responsa, “Binyamin Ze’eb,” which he warns the public are worthless and full of plagiarisms. Of some of the rabbis of his time he says as follows: “The ordained are many; but those who know something are few. The number of overbearing ones is steadily increasing, none of whom knows his place. As soon as they are ordained they begin to domineer and, by means of their wealth, to gather about themselves disciples, just as lords hire slaves to run before them. They rule over the scholars and the congregation. They excommunicate and anathematize, and they ordain pupils who did not study under them, and receive therefor money and reward. They are always seeking their own interests.”
Friendship with Isserles.
Though Luria was not on very good terms with most of his contemporaries, yet he formed an intimate friendship with Rabbi Moses Isserles of Cracow, as may be seen from their correspondence. But this friendship did not prevent Luria from remonstrating with Isserles when he learned that the latter was devoted to the study of philosophy, for he exhorted him with the words: “Thou art turning to the wisdom of the uncircumcised Aristotle. Wo unto my eyes that they have seen such a thing! This is a sin for such a prince in Israel.” The adherents of the Cabala he censured severely, saying: “These modern ones pretend to belong to the sect of the cabalists. . . . They can not see in the light of the Zohar, which they do not understand. . . . Therefore, do not go in their ways. Have nothing to do with things secret.”

In Hebrew. Illustrated title page. Printer’s device on verso of title page and final page. Pages printed in double columns. First published Lublin, 1574. “The great Polish authority R. Solomon Luria (d. 1573) , who, in a responsum on procedure where the kabbalah differs from the codes (Responsa Rashal [Fuerth, 1768], no. 98) , boldly rejects the kabbalistic ruling and goes on to state that R. Simeon ben Yohai, the traditional author of the Zohar, is not followed in his legal decisions, so that even if he came back to earth, we would be obliged to ignore his rulings. ”